Is BLM a criminal racketeering operation?

Some have made a legal observation that the BLM, which falls under the U.S. Department of the Interior, may be guilty of racketeering under federal RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Organization) statutes.

This photo was posted by Assemblywoman Michel Fiore. In a widely-shared tweet, Fiore says, “Graphic Photo – One of many casualties from the #BundyRanch standoff. More to follow soon. #ShameOnBLM”

During a live radio broadcast of “The Pete Santilli Show” on the Guerilla Media Network (GMN), Fiore revealed new details of “the BLM’s method of herding where they have slaughtered horses and cows.”

“This time we have video of it, and pictures of it,” she said. “I did post the first picture of one cow [that] was shot in the back of the head from a helicopter. I personally helped save a calf who still had an umbilical cord attached to her as she was separated from her mom. It is such a disgusting event … they (BLM) don’t herd cattle — they slaughter cattle.”

“If you look at the stewardship of land, and herding of cattle, first of all these particular cattle that were grazing on 600,000 acres — understand that when the Bundy family would herd their own cattle, there would be water taps to where the cattle would go down to the water and herd them humbly and softly — no cruelty, no abuse, herding them to where the cattle could get injured,” Fiore continued. “We now have an evidenced-based argument with how the BLM cannot take care of that cattle. We have cows giving birth (in the federal pen) where baby calves have been stepped [on] and killed.”

“They herd animals with helicopters, ATV’s and shotguns… If any cows get out of line, the get a bullet to the back of the head,” she added. “Make sure the BLM are off state land and make sure the BLM are not allowed to herd cattle again”.

She said she observed, near the BLM’s “compound” adjacent to the Bundy ranch, that personnel there were “digging holes.”

“They tried to bury some cows on the compound,” she said, “but I guess they didn’t dig the hole deep enough.” She said the legs of some cows were “sticking up out of the dirt.”

BLM head Daniel P. Love caught flat-out lying about cattle deaths

Earlier this week Natural News released a secret recording of the BLM Special Agent in Charge at the ranch, Daniel P. Love, who said that the BLM had not killed any cattle. Fiore’s reply to Love’s claim: “He’s a flat out liar, period.”

Observers who gathered to offer support to Bundy and his family noted early on that BLM officials had brought in backhoes and earth movers, though initially agents would not answer residents’ questions as to why the equipment was needed. Later it was suspected that BLM-led contractors used them to dig holes to bury dead cattle after attempts to aggressively herd them off Bundy’s ranch. Many suspect that the contractors may have disposed of some cattle off-site, 21st Century Wire reported.

Government tactics caused death of cattle

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